This translation comes to us from Joe Brady of San Carlos, CA. Congratulations,
Joe, you have won a Cobb salad for your wonderful translation. (Find the
original piece from which Joe translated
The faithful please hear!
Tread carefully, oh, citizens of God. For e'en the sincerest among you may peril to unrelenting riga mortis of the soul. I shall determine the truth, a baby to be diapered in cotton and wiped with gold. I shall determine the truth, like the Devil's corpse on high.
All are invited to raise a glass and enjoin in feasting the tragedy of this malevolent phenomenon.
Eat the faith;
Quintus Eats the faith;
Horatio Eats the faith.
Quintus and Horatio, like babies, Eat our faith.
Cleanse the mind with incomprehensibly addictive sermons from a Papal Nunzio clad in patent leather named Lars.
Cry! Believe! Mother the people. We shall be clean. Eat the faith.