Movie Review Review

This week in the Wooden Robot's Movie Review Review: The Legend of Zorro

Matt Singer, The Village Voice

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An adequate, concise review that provides us with the author's opinions on the film in not too many words. The succinct nature of the review is simultaneously one of its greatest assets and most unfortunate flaws. Though his opinion is relatively straightforward, Singer does not cite the instances in the film that support his claims. However, this brevity does not prevent Singer from accomplishing his main task: telling us what he thinks about the movie.

Our rating:  

Philip Wuntch, The Dallas Morning News

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If you're looking for the type of review directed at people who enjoy matinee-style adventure films and will see those films based on favorable reviews, look no further than Philip Wuntch's review of The Legend of Zorro. Playing upon nostalgia and escapism, Wuntch gives a well-rounded review touching on the movie's central points and highlighting the ways in which it is fun to watch. Use of clichéd sentence-ending similes give the review a somewhat dated feel, but Wuntch is careful not to over-play this card. Overall, this review paints a rich tapestry of the opinion that Philip Wuntch has about this film.

Our rating:  

Chuck, The Wooden Robot

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In his typically self important and over-hurried manner, Chuck from The Wooden Robot gives us a no-frills, one-two punch of a review that cuts directly to the movie's central flaws. Unfortunately, this unnecessarily profane review crumbles under its concision, and the lack of any further explanation as to why the movie is too long leaves the reader wondering whether Chuck even had time to see the movie in the first place. It isn't any wonder that no one pays Chuck money to tell everyone his opinions about movies.

Our rating: